The Hunting Lodge


How does The Hunting Lodge want to be thought of, or felt about? We communicate this through relatable content - tangible beauty, with honest grit. Aspirational of course, but accessible, humble and familiar.


The Hunt is over


Being invited to work closely with the brand over the course of a hospitality-heightened summer, we grew and harvested a new visual flagship for The Hunting Lodge. As a primary communications tool, the hero video’s role was to part the sea for an armada of experiential content that encapsulated the brand’s essence. raising brand awareness and profile outwardly, while also acting as a springboard from which to launch internally crafted content.

Fundamentally informed by the brand’s objectives and vision to express a warm and welcoming sense of place, we observed (and were therefore able to sincerely convey) that feeling of genuine connection that ripples through the locals, neighbourhood and surrounding communities. It emanates forth, reaching and refracting back off the city, carrying with it waves of adventurous and curious urbanites westward once again.




Barrel Hall

Lawn bar party


Lawn bar friends & family


Head out west